How can I help you right now?

What service is right for me?

All services available speak to different aspects, questions and considerations of living an internally and externally spiritually aligned life.

The reading services are usually a good place to start if you are looking for clarity, insight and advice from an external perspective on a situation.

Readings aren’t about predicting the future, there about making the future happen in the way that you want to and dealing with any unexpected curveballs of life with Grace and confidence.

Reading Services also allow you to be taking the passenger seat and letting me take the lead, sometimes this is appropriate, other times you want to be more involved.

Either way readings are all about setting you up to make better decisions, choose the higher path and connect with your highest timeline/potential.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping sessions are a totally different animal.

These are for dealing with a variety of situations and issues by working directly with your emotions as expressed the body.

Remember your emotions are your energy. So EFT is a very practical and accessible form of what could be considered energy work

People have EFT for all different kinds of reasons, it can be simply to have better stress management strategies, develop a deeper sense of confidence, have more focus and energy throughout the day, and not be at the mercy of intrusive thoughts.

Other people can come for sessions who are dealing with long-standing traumas, memories, being in the grips of experiences from the past, and unable to move forward. Because EFT is classed as a complementary therapy in the UK where I’m based, it is designed to be taken alongside other modalities of therapy in a supporting role.

EFT is also great for developing deeper practices of personal empowerment, confidence, achieving your goals and also the manifestation processes.

Where the readings offer a sense of insight into a situation, EFT allows you to take direct action with how limiting beliefs, self-concepts, and the fingerprints of experiences live on in your body to stop you moving forward.

Because oftentimes, emotions and memory live on as feelings, and this is one of the big ways that stops people moving forward to achieve what they want in this life.

While you might want to try a single session of EFT for a quick release and relief from a situation, a block of sessions is better suited to doing a deeper dive and more lasting changes.

The Consultation services combined both the readings and EFT alongside my extensive experience as a professional teacher, mental and educator.

Consultations are the most interactive of the offers available, and give a little bit of everything, due to their holistic nature.

So you might find that doing a bit of everything in a session is going to be more beneficial than doing things independently. You are also looking for something more interactive, where we are able to work together more as equals stood beside each other.

Consultations are excellent for a variety of different purposes, and they tend to be popular among fellow practitioners, entrepreneurs, decision-makers in business, artists and anyone who values the holistic approach to spiritually informed living. 

The consultations can also be tailored more directly for your specific needs and I also offer these as retainer packages to work together regularly.